Bid Award

Contract: 22-04-0902RR, Vehicle Equipment and Upfitting

Group: Sedan/SUV Packages

Item: 189, Whelen Engineering, Unmarked, Installed

Description: Manufacturer`s standard base specifications and current model year for model/model number listed. Please refer to option sheet for labor rates per hour.

Model Upgrade/Downgrade:

Zone Vendor Price Percent
(Taken off MSRP for base price)
(Taken off MSRP for options)
Build File Options File
Appalachia Dana Safety Supply $1,600.10 55.70% 55.70% Build Options
Dogwood Dana Safety Supply $1,600.10 55.70% 55.70% Build Options
Cardinal Dana Safety Supply $1,600.10 55.70% 55.70% Build Options
Longleaf Pine Dana Safety Supply $1,600.10 55.70% 55.70% Build Options