Bid Award

Contract: 22-04-0902RR, Vehicle Equipment and Upfitting

Group: Catalog Discount

Item: 13, Jotto, Catalog Discount

Description: Catalog discount off MSRP published price for all items included within the equipment catalog of specified make and model. Please refer to option sheet for labor rates per hour.

Model Upgrade/Downgrade:

Zone Vendor Price Percent
(Taken off MSRP for base price)
(Taken off MSRP for options)
Build File Options File
Appalachia Campbell-Brown Inc. $0.00 31.50% 31.50% Build Options
Dogwood Ilderton Emergency Lighting $0.00 30.00% 30.00% Build Options
Cardinal Ilderton Emergency Lighting $0.00 30.00% 30.00% Build Options
Longleaf Pine Ilderton Emergency Lighting $0.00 30.00% 30.00% Build Options